Skip to Videos All | Insurance and the Law | Handling Hate and Scrutiny | Managing the Press | Sponsorship | Social Media and Content Creation | The Olympic Experience | Storytelling | Building Your Brand | Saturday 9th November | Sunday 10th November | Introduction to the two day event Saturday 9th November, Building Your Brand, Building Your Brand Saturday 9th November, Storytelling, Storytelling and Narratives The Olympic Experience, Saturday 9th November, Olympic Experience Social Media and Content Creation Sunday 10th November, The Olympic Experience, The Olympic Experience - Part Two Sunday 10th November, Sponsorship, Sponsorship Sunday 10th November, Managing the Press, Managing the Press and Media Interviews Sunday 10th November, Handling Hate and Scrutiny, Handling Scrutiny and Hate Sunday 10th November, Insurance and the Law, Insurance and the Law Sunday 10th November, Event Summary